Innovation as
a bootcamp.

Our 24-hour Build Day X experience.

See Upcoming BDX Bootcamps   →

Taking you from idea to prototype in one nonstop day

Build Day X is a crash course in innovation that leverages design thinking for an optimal learning experience. During a 24-hour sprint, you’ll have the chance to flex your strengths and walk away prepared to make your dreams happen.

The bootcamp breakdown

Building from idea to pitch with strangers you just met and more than likely no sleep, is no easy feat. We’ll guide you and place you in a team. You just have to put in the hard work and dare to dream big.

Team Formation

Connect with an ACT-compatible team to boost your potential.

Gamified Sprints

Push your ideas to the limit during these sprints. They’re a testing ground for innovation.

Fierce Competition

Take your product across the finish line and pitch to an audience of industry experts.

It’s time to get your butts off the couch.
We’ve got better seats for you here.

Upcoming BDX Bootcamps

Give it everything you’ve got and you’ll get even more in return.

Boost Your Skills

Hone skills and master advanced frameworks to prepare you as a founder or within the workplace.

Build Your Network

Connect with other driven builders, industry pros, and potential collaborators.

Unlock Supreme Resources

Earn cash prizes, experience elite workshops, and access investment opportunities.

If it were easy, everyone would do it.

Listen to how this innovator materialized their idea in 24 hours and turned it into a company.

24 hours.
Limited sleep.
You’ve got this.

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you. We use a six-act structure infused with micro-learnings and design sprints to rapidly build and validate ideas (coffee breaks included).



Build the foundation and focus for the rest of the sprint.


Team Up

Find the right team using the ACT Model.



Learn more about the customers and decide what you’re going to prototype.



Figure out how to best use your skills with your team and build a realistic prototype.



Interview customers and learn by watching them react to their prototypes.



At the end of the bootcamp, showcase your prototype and findings to a panel of experts in a Demo Day

Upcoming BDX Bootcamps

We are currently planning our next BDX events and will make a public announcement soon!

Create your own talent pipeline

Host a BDX and discover fresh perspectives

It’s time to disrupt stagnancy when it comes to finding and hiring dynamite talent. By hosting a Build Day X of your own, you’ll have the opportunity to upskill existing staff and recruit untapped talent right from the source.

If your organization is interested in hosting a BDX, give us a shout and we’ll get it locked in.

Let’s get 2% better together   →
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